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#+TITLE: Kantinen-Lieferservice Website
#+OPTIONS: toc:t num:nil

Welcome to the official Git repository for the Kantinen-Lieferservice
website source files.  You can visit the website at

This project is managed by Kevin Mandura and licensed under the GNU
General Public License version 3 or newer.  Some of the included files
may be licensed under GPL-compatible licenses.

For submitting patches and the like, send an email to:

- [[mailto:webmaster@kevin-mandura.de][webmaster@kevin-mandura.de]]

Import the following GnuPG public key, if you want to encrypt the
email body for the recipient address above:

- [[https://kevin-mandura.de/dl/pubkey-webmaster@kevin-mandura-de.asc]]

** About the website

The Kantinen-Lieferservice website serves as an advertising-free web
blog, where anyone can submit articles, simply through email.  The
site maintainers take care of converting the received articles to the
Markdown syntax, so the input format does not really matter.  At the
end, the website will parse the Markdown syntax to generate HTML code.

Furthermore, visitors can view a server status table to find out,
which of our other provided internet services are currently online.
We do also offer public communication and gaming servers for everybody
to use.

With an invitation code, visitors can register themselves with a
privileged user account, to also get access to the website's file
sharing functionality.  Privileged users are also permitted to start
on-demand gaming servers, that are normally offline when unused to not
waste power, with the click of a button.

What sets this website apart from many other interactive websites is
the fact, that all of the essential functionality works without
JavaScript required.  The website also does not embed external web
content from third-party systems, like content delivery networks.  In
case that our average server load gets noticeably higher in the
future, we might have to outsource media files to a distributed
content delivery solution though.

Included JavaScript files are released under the GNU (Lesser) General
Public License or other GPL-compatible licenses.  The website is
constructed to be fully compatible with the GNU LibreJS guidelines.
Should you use the GNU LibreJS web browser plugin to only allow
execution of free (as in freedom) JavaScript code by default, then our
website will still be fully functional for you.

As the back-end language for this website project, we use PHP (mostly
procedural) and MariaDB for the database server.  Some files and
information associated with this website are also generated by shell
scripts, that are either executed manually by the administrators or
automatically through cronjobs.  These scripts are also included in
this repository.

** Third Party components

Some functionality of this website is achieved by the implementation
of third-party components, such as PHP libraries.

Details about these components are listed below:

- *Parsedown*
  - Description: Converts Markdown syntax to HTML code
  - Type: PHP library
  - Software license: Expat (MIT License) \\
    /See ~includes/libraries/parsedown/LICENSE~ file/
  - Upstream URL: [[https://github.com/erusev/parsedown]]

- *ToC extension for Parsedown*
  - Description: Extends Parsedown to generate a Table of Contents
    from the headings
  - Type: PHP library
  - Software license: Expat (MIT License) \\
    /See ~includes/libraries/parsedown-toc/LICENSE~ file/
  - Upstream-URL: [[https://github.com/KEINOS/parsedown-extension_table-of-contents]]

Also, the website uses the following webfonts, that are embedded from
the included directory ~public/static/fonts/~:

- *Indie Flower*
  - Font style: cursive
  - License: [[https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?item_id=OFL_web][SIL Open Font License (OFL) Version 1.1]]
    /See ~public/static/fonts/IndieFlower/OFL.txt~ file/
  - Author: Kimberly Geswein

- *Open Sans*
  - Font style: sans-serif
  - License: [[http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0][Apache License Version 2.0]]
    /See ~public/static/fonts/OpenSans/LICENSE.txt~ file/
  - Author: Steve Matteson

- *PT Mono*
  - Font style: monospace
  - License: [[https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?item_id=OFL_web][SIL Open Font License (OFL) Version 1.1]]
    /See ~public/static/fonts/PTMono/OFL.txt~ file/
  - Author: Alexandra Korolkova and Isabella Chaeva

- *PT Serif*
  - Font style: serif
  - License: [[https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?item_id=OFL_web][SIL Open Font License (OFL) Version 1.1]]
    /See ~public/static/fonts/PTSerif/OFL.txt~ file/
  - Author: Alexandra Korolkova, Olga Umpeleva and Vladimir Yefimov

** How to setup and contribute

The process of setting up a local development environment and
deploying the site on a server is described inside the file

If you would like to contribute to this project, make sure to read the
contents of the file ~CONTRIBUTING.org~ first.  This avoids
misunderstandings and us rejecting to apply your commits into this
main project.  Feel free to fork this repository and incorporate its
code into your own projects, as long as this happens with respect to
the corresponding software licenses.

Send your commits and general requests to the following email address:

- [[mailto:webmaster@kevin-mandura.de][webmaster@kevin-mandura.de]]

Import the following GnuPG public key, if you want to encrypt the
email body for the recipient address above:

- [[https://kevin-mandura.de/dl/pubkey-webmaster@kevin-mandura-de.asc]]

** Special Thanks

Thanks to *Ksenia Moser* for drawing all the high-quality icons for
our website.  Without your work, our site would not be as enjoyable
and unique, as it is!

- Ksenia's Instagram profile: https://www.instagram.com/ksenia_emrys/

Many thanks to *Singustromo* for working together on our projects and
always being helpful with code contributions, troubleshooting issues
and finding better solutions to manage things.

- Singustromo's email contact: [[mailto:singustromo@disroot.org][singustromo@disroot.org]]

Also thanks to *[[https://goos-habermann.de][goos-habermann.de]]* for taking a quick look at our
previous code base, to point out various programming practices, that
could be done better.